Abigail's first attempt to operate the computer. You gotta enjoy her spirit! She's one of a kind. Abby, Amy and Dale came to visit recently during the Barber Motor Sports races in July 2009.
We were so excited to spend a few days loving on our grandchild. Abby is growing so fast, and she's so much fun, we can't wait for her little brother or sister to come along (due in February 2010).
Abby is very active, she crawls extremely fast and gets into soooo much! Of course, we realized immediately when she was but only a couple months old that she would be active, cause her legs never stopped.
We are so blessed to have her in our lives as well as a caring and loving mother and father - they really do take great care of her, we just wished we could see them a little more often. I do speak with her every week so she doesn't forget my voice, eventually she'll talk back with me given more experience and time.
Courtney and I are planning a trip to Houston, TX in September to celebrate Amy's 27th birthday and to visit with Abby and her extending family. I'll take a lot of photos, and we'll have loads of fun.