Have you ever wondered what your purpose is here on earth? Why me, why was I created, was it merely because my parents wanted to have children in order to fulfill their lives or was it all a part of a master plan by our creator?
I'd like to think we were and are created by our master creator - "God". I have felt a "pull" on my life since I was in my early teens and I stress "pull" not a "call" do not be confused. I think I was merely being pointed in the right direction and my interest being sparked....I mean let's be honest what pre-teen in their right mind is going to sit and watch Oral Roberts and the Day of Discovery on Sunday mornings right? Yep, that's exactly what I did!
I can't explain my inspiration at that age, nor can I explain my desire for a (red) Bible for my 13th birthday. I used to write personal letters to God asking some very intimate questions because in Him I had anonymity.
I think we all have one common assignment, and that's to witness to our brothers and sisters, but what's my actual God Assignment? That's something I'm still seeking through prayer....so what's our God Assignment?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
What Defines You?

After listening to a great sermon this weekend I have taken a look at my life and asked myself "What is defining me?". My pastor posed the following, "Does your past define you?", "Do others define you?" because God sees what we are capable of when man doesn't....
What type of "character" do we portray? If we look a little deeper than the surface what would your find? Many of us allow us to see one side of our personalities. We appear to have no problems, and the world is great and wonderful when we greet those at church, but deep down we are hurting and have so many issues in our lives that we attempt to "hide" from everyone outside our family.
When you think about your life in those context, you begin to ponder do I live my life by the way others see me? or do I live my life because of my past? Looking deep into your own soul and knowing your own heart makes we realize what is truly important in life and that's our relationship with God, our Father in Heaven because our relationship with Him is the key.
If we to prioritize our lives, focusing on the important aspects of our lives including God, family, jobs, etc....I think it changes the way that we look at life and the manner in which we focus our attention. We should strive to "help" others in any manner possible. There are always others less fortunate than ourselves, ALWAYS. I feel ashamed when I'm having a "bad" day and begin to feel sorry for myself, then I'm reminded of those less fortunate.
Let's not forget a scripture found in Galations 6:9 - "Let us not become weary of doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up".
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Little Things

We are so concerned about ourselves being recognized that we totally forget about giving God the credit! One of the best ways to show God that we praise Him is to do EVERYTHING, and yes I mean everything to His glory!
It doesn't matter what you are doing no matter how insignificant or minor, you should always strive to glorify God with doing your absolute best, we don't expect less of God.
Praise and Glory to our God for He continues to give us grace that we don't deserve but need more and more everyday! Let your light shine in all you do so that you may inspire others....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Personality & Fruits

I have learned that there are four basic personality types including Choleric, Sanguine, Plegmatic and Melancholy.
The Sanguine personality type, also called the Popular Personality, is outgoing, adventurous, attention-seeking, talkative and social. Possible weaknesses of a Sanguine are they avoid anything that's not fun, tend to run late, and often do not finish projects.
When you think of the second personality type, the Choleric or Powerful Personality, think of a take-charge leader. Cholerics love challenges, are self-motivated, driven and determined. Their strong personalities can lend to weaknesses, such as being opinionated, stubborn or insensitive to other's feelings.
The third personality type, the Melancholy or Perfect Personality, tends to be introspective, creative, analytical and serious. Some of a melancholy's challenges are that they tend to be perfectionists, get their feelings hurt easily and can be critical of others.
Lastly, there's the Phlegmatic, the Peaceful Personality. Phlegmatics are laid-back, stable, calm and pleasant. While their peace-seeking personalities are helpful, they can avoid conflict at all costs, be scared to take a risk and may procrastinate.
Admit it, life is much more interesting when we are all different, so which personality are you?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Beautiful children
Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates

This statement really embodies the exact meaning in "life". Life is really like a "box of chocolates". When I've gotten a box of chocolates I never really know what's beneath the chocolate whether its coconut, nougat, peanuts, etc. until you bite into it.
Life is very similar, each day is different, we never know what is going to happen from day to day. Life is a challenge but God tells us in the Bible that He would never give us more than we could handle so with that in mind why don't we get through life much easier?
I think a better question is, why don't we trust and put our faith in our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ and allow Him to help us through our life events? I think this can be simply answered - because we do not put God first in our lives....
Think about it, if God were first in our lives then when I wake in the morning - I would go to God in prayer and Bible study before getting on my computer or getting ready for work, etc. By putting God first in my morning ritual I actually set up my day for success!
God's name should be on our lips when trouble arises and He should be the first one we call! Like I said before since life is like a box of chocolates and we don't know what we are getting or what we are about to going through but how much easier would life be if we allowed God to work through us and help us daily!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
2010 Football Season: What's Under The Hood?

While the Alabama Crimson Tide was ranked #1 opening up the 2010 season, you never really know how good they will be, or if they will pick up where they left off at the end of the 2009 season.
After watching the Crimson Tide play their first game of the 2010 season, I have to admit I was impressed with the "sharpness" of the offense. Even though one of our best players in Mark Ingram is sidelined due to knee surgery, it is more apparent that Alabama's talent runs much deeper. The Crimson Tide didn't miss a beat offensively even though the opponent was heavily underrated.
It will be more interesting to watch next weeks game against the Penn State Nittany Lions and much better opponent to see how what's under the hood....check back with me next week.

Abby in Deep Thought
It's great having Miss Claire around living here in Moody with her Pop and I, we get to see her so much more.....she's ready to break her first tooth any day now! Claire can't wait to start eating the "good stuff".
That's all for now.....read and enjoy.
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